10 Sorority Holiday Activities Infographic

Sorority friendships blossom into sisterhood through shared memories, experiences, and deep bonding. This holiday season presents the perfect opportunity to strengthen these connections. Here are ten heartwarming ways to foster sisterhood within your chapter: Spread joy through caroling, decorating meeting venues with festive flair, and distributing hot chocolate to warm hearts. Embrace the spirit of giving by providing Christmas for a family in need or volunteering at a food shelter. Glide into togetherness with ice skating adventures and create lasting memories with a Secret Santa gift exchange and holiday parties featuring cookie exchanges and cozy pajamas. Extend the season of giving by dining out with a twist, leaving generous tips for servers. And finally, indulge in the pure delight of snowman-building, uniting in playful camaraderie and showcasing your sorority pride. These shared experiences cultivate a sisterhood bound by love, support, and cherished traditions.

source: https://lnogreek.com/blogs/news/the-top-10-holiday-bonding-activities-for-sorority-sisters


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