Most men wear baseball cap for several reasons. It could serve as a protection from the heat of the sun or could be an accessory to their wardrobe. It becomes a need and a hobby for them. Of course, men wanted to appear stylish as well just like women. Some women also find men with a baseball cap on as appealing, cool and modish. However, having plenty of it could also mean difficulty in washing them. Of course, nobody wanted his precious belongings to be stinted, faded or ruined after washing them. These are the tips on how to wash your baseball caps.
1. Do not use your washer in cleaning your baseball cup. Washing your baseball cap through your residential washing machine is a bad idea because it has a center agitating column which may ruin your cap. Using the dryer of your washing machine may also deform its shape and might cause uncomforting feeling for you.
2. Do not use any dishwashing liquid when washing your baseball cap. Baseball cap’s fabric is usually soft and can easily be stinted. On the other hand, dishwashers have a substance that might ruin or fade the color of your baseball cap. Surely, you would like to keep the fine color of your baseball cap and if you consider it as one of your precious stuff, you better not use dishwashers in cleaning it.
3. Never use a strong chemical that removes color. Your baseball cap’s color will be damaged that could not be repaired once you use strong chemicals like bleach. This would appear your baseball cap uneven in a color that is not good to see. Surely, you do not want to find yourself not liking to wear your baseball cup because it is no longer pleasing to see. It will waste your money and will crumple your heart especially when you have just bought it.
4. Do not use hot but warm water in cleaning. In a sink or bucket, pour warm water with the traditional way—the handwashing.
5. Use a tablespoon of laundry detergent. Choose laundry detergent that is stain-fighting and carefully wash your baseball cap using your hands.
6. Use a toothbrush or small scrubber to the areas that have stains. You need to give more attention to the parts of your cap that have a problem. Using a toothbrush or scrubber, remove the dirt slowly and carefully.
7. Soak in the water with detergent your baseball cap. For an hour, soak in the water with detergent your baseball cap and check after an hour if the dirt or stain was removed.
8. Rid-off the excess moisture in your baseball cap. With a towel, pat your baseball cap down to remove the moisture in your baseball cap.
9. Use warm water in rinsing your baseball cap. Warm water is good at baseball’s cap fabric. This would help keep your cap in good shape.
10. Place your baseball cap in a mannequin’s head for air dry. Doing this will prevent your baseball cap from ruining its shape. It is better if it dries in the air and not by the use of the dryer.
source: https://acmehatco.com/tips-for-washing-your-baseball-cap/
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