3 Common Mistakes in Child Custody Negotiations Infographic

Insight on the Big Picture of Child Custody

Any parenting or custody arrangement that you and your spouse have made during the pre-trial period or during mediation will be considered by the judge. The requirements and preferences of both parents will be deemed by the judge. However, the judge’s ultimate goal is to establish a scenario in the children’s best interests.

1. Don’t clash with the other parent.

Publicly arguing with the other parent makes you seem out of control. It can appear that you want to do harm to your ex-spouse outweighs your desire to provide stability for your children. Divorce is a legal process; couples therapy is not. Public communication should be factual and professional, not sentimental, or unduly personal. If you lose your composure, it doesn’t always imply your kids are gone. It would be better to compose yourself and apologize rather than expecting the court would somehow overlook your unprofessional actions. “I lost my composure and behaved inappropriately. I’ve managed to calm down. I’m prepared to display my true character to you.

2. Don’t violate court orders, even if the other parent is.

You shouldn’t take your kids to see the other parent if they represent any form of harm or risk. To safeguard your children from abuse, alleged abuse, or neglect, immediately call the police or your custody attorney. In non-abusive circumstances, it’s critical to keep in mind that if you have upheld your end of the custody bargain, you will be in a stronger position. Your ex-spouse might be held accountable for failing to uphold their legal commitments by your child custody attorney, but your case will be weaker if you are also guilty of the offense.

3. Don’t indulge yourself on social media.

Any information sent by email or social media, even with a small or private audience, should be regarded as public information. Do not send anything by email, text, or posting that might damage your reputation as a responsible parent. Disparaging your ex-spouse online may feel satisfactory in the time, but it won’t be as pleasing if it’s used against you while determining child custody.

It’s best not to delete or erase a post that you (or one of your contacts) later regret posting. A court can see this as tampering with the evidence. The judge could suspect that you’re attempting to slant the evidence in your favor. It seems sensible for a court to ask what more you could be concealing. Consult with your divorce and custody attorney to identify the best management strategy rather than deleting or changing your social media accounts.

As a result, you have some limited discretion over child custody arrangements. When you start negotiating a child custody agreement, making efforts to strengthen your parenting reputation will pay dividends. You and your kids will get the greatest results from a custody discussion if you have a professional demeanor while speaking with or discussing your ex, obey the court’s instructions, and refrain from posting unfavorable things on social media.

source: https://divorceattorneyut.com/3-common-mistakes-in-child-custody-negotiations/


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