3 Professional Tax Preparer Perks Infographic

Choosing a career can be daunting, as what one person finds fulfilling, another might find frustrating. If you enjoy working with numbers, dealing with clients, and paying attention to details, becoming a professional tax preparer might be perfect for you. One major advantage of this career is job security. All US citizens and US-based businesses must pay federal and state taxes annually. While some use online programs, others prefer someone else to handle the complex and stressful tax filing process. Another significant benefit is flexibility. Tax professionals can set their own hours based on the number of clients, services offered, and time zones worked in. For example, a California-licensed preparer can serve clients in that state from any other state. Moreover, the educational opportunities in this field offer flexibility. You can study while working or taking care of other responsibilities. Options include earning a certificate through an online school or taking online college courses to become a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). Your level of effort can impact your potential earnings. Considering a college major, looking to improve your wages or job flexibility, or thinking about owning a business? Becoming a professional tax preparer could be an excellent choice. There are numerous directions and niches to explore in this field, making it a versatile and potentially rewarding career path.

source: https://ultimatetax.com/blog/why-professional-tax-preparer-may-be-the-job-for-you/


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