4 Things to Throw Away After a Fire Infographic

You fear the fire itself because it can burn you and the entire house. If you are inside the house, you will be exposed to high levels of heat as well as suffocation. You may think that because the entire house was not burned or that your things and belongings did not turn into dust, you can still save all of these and make use of it. Unfortunately, that is not the case with fire incidents. You may be well aware that your things have been exposed to smoke which could leave some dangerous chemicals that when it touches your skin, irritation and allergies could be suffered. This infographic provides you four topmost items that you must not re-use whenever there was a fire occurrence.

1. Clothing such as T-shirts, pants, dresses or even blankets may not be burned instantly. It is possible that a part of it will be left that can still be used after washing or disinfecting. However, the truth is that you must not wear or use it again because it could be dangerous for your health or to the person who will be using it. It is recommended that you just throw them away.

2. Women love their cosmetics especially makeup and lipstick. However, these contain chemicals or minerals that could react differently to a high level of temperature like when there is a fire accident. You may think that since the cosmetics seem not to be touched by the fire, it is still safe to use. However, you must remember that simple exposure to heat over thirty degrees Celsius already causes a reaction to the cosmetics. More so, the water used by the firefighters to extinguish the fire also contains contaminants that would be dangerous for your face when the cosmetics are applied to it. Thus, throwing both cosmetics and toiletries to the bin could be proven more beneficial.

3. Medicines are expensive and as much as possible you would want to keep it. However, the heat coming off due to the fire lessens the effectiveness of the drug. Also, just like in the case of cosmetics and toiletries, the ingredients used to manufacture the medicine will react unknowingly to the heat which could harm you instead of treating your illness.

4. Do you keep canned goods or cup noodles inside your house? Did you check it after the fire was extinguished? Did it look unscathed? If yes, the question is, can you still eat it? The answer is an absolute NO. Whether the food is perishable or not, exposure to heat makes the product dangerous to consume. For example, canned goods are made of tin that when exposed to high temperature could melt or activate the bacteria inside which will contaminate the food that you are going to eat. Though non-perishable foods are intended as relief goods or as preparation for any calamity, it should not be eaten because it is intended to be thrown away.

5. Lastly, do not feel sorry for throwing these items because it poses a danger to you and to your family’s health and well being. Indeed, when there is fire, nothing is left, even those items that you think could be saved.

source: https://www.disastercompany.com/what-should-you-throw-away-after-a-fire/


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