5 Imposter Syndrome Types Infographic

Imposter Syndrome, a cognitive distortion that fosters feelings of inadequacy despite evidence of success, affects many, especially those prone to anxiety, depression, or belonging to minority groups. It manifests in various ways depending on personality. The Perfectionist sets unrealistic goals, and when they fall short, their self-worth suffers. The Natural Genius, accustomed to early praise for innate abilities, struggles when faced with challenges, often seeing difficulties as failures. The Rugged Individualist equates asking for help with admitting incompetence, believing their value lies in handling everything alone. The Expert is never satisfied with their knowledge, constantly seeking more information, yet always feeling inadequate compared to others. Lastly, the Superhero believes they should manage every task, never saying “no,” and equating their ability to handle everything with personal success. Each of these personas struggles with the persistent fear of being exposed as a fraud, despite their achievements, leading to a cycle of self-doubt that can be difficult to overcome.

source: https://www.secretsofsuccess.com/blog/overcoming-imposter-syndrome-for-greater-achievement


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