5 Myths About Drug Testing Infographic

DOT mandates testing to guarantee a secure workplace for both your safety and the protection of the general public. Significantly fewer preventable accidents occur when drug usage is reduced. There are a lot of myths floating around regarding how to pass or fail a drug test, so let’s dispel them:

1. Overhydrating Will Make You Pass a Urine Drug Test

Although it’s never a bad thing to keep hydrated, doing so won’t get rid of the medicine from your urine. Yes, consuming a lot of water or other fluids will make the chemical harder to detect, but it also affects the level of creatinine in your urine. Urinalysis technicians are qualified to check this amount since you remove this waste product from your urine. They will retest the sample using more exacting tests if they discover that your creatinine values are incorrect. The additional liquid will only dilute the figures. No matter how much water you drink, if you have drugs in your system, they will be able to find them.

2. Physical Workout Before Your Test Will Help You Pass

Once more, eating a balanced diet, drinking enough water, and exercising are all wise choices. However, they won’t make the process of detoxifying your body from narcotics faster. If you persist with it for a month or more before to the test, they could help you do things a little bit quicker. However, there is minimal chance of changing your outcomes by going to the gym or sauna to sweat away whatever is in your system.

3. Second-Hand Marijuana Fume Can Trigger a Positive THC Result

Passive THC exposure almost never results in a false positive. This study reexamined whether it was feasible in light of the legalization of marijuana, the increase in dispensaries, and increased THC concentrations. With a few restrictions: the non-smoker had to be close to the source in an enclosed space and submit to a drug test within a few hours of exposure, they did discover a few false positives among non-smokers.

4. Drugs Remain in Your System for the Same Amount of Time

The exact length of time that medications remain in your bloodstream is unknown. Each medication has a rough timeline for when it should leave your system. However, your drug clearance rate is influenced by the quantity you’ve ingested, the drug’s potency, your biological make-up, and your physical condition.

How soon you get rid of chemicals will depend on factors like your kidney’s capacity to remove toxins and your liver’s capacity to purify your blood. A single intake will probably disappear within the predicted window. It could take longer for someone who has been using the same drug every day for a long time.

5. Eating or Drinking Unusual Products Will Help You Pass

You may have heard rumors that consuming pickled juice or vinegar, sucking on a copper penny, or ingesting significant amounts of vitamin B3 will enhance your test results. You may have heard that consuming creatine will make your creatinine levels appear normal if overhydration persists. Another is that your sample will benefit from the addition of bleach, ammonia, or Drano. Even over-the-counter products that purport to hide narcotics in your urine are available. The truth is that none of these will succeed.

source: https://teamcme.com/dispelling-5-myths-about-drug-testing/


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