5 Ways to Boost Self-Esteem During Recovery Infographic

Overcoming substance abuse is a daunting journey involving breaking dependencies, addressing guilt and shame, and avoiding relapses. The daily struggles can significantly impact one’s self-confidence.

There are confidence-building exercises in the recovery process. These include offering time for daily introspection and meditation, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) activities, outdoor recreation, and participation in group support sessions. With this in mind, this infographic lists 5 critical actions that you can do every day to build your self-esteem while in recovery:

1. Practice Mindfulness

As a faith-based treatment center, we naturally believe that prayer – both privately uttered and shared by a group – offers us a powerful way to connect with the deity and remind us of our value in God’s eyes.

Engaging in meditation, yoga or tai chi, or simply walking through nature also represent great ways to practice mindfulness. One particularly uplifting exercise is gratitude journaling. When we stop to think about and write down everything for which we are thankful, either overall or only for that specific day, we can’t help but feel loved and blessed.

2. Create a Personal Affirmation

Affirmations are positive statements you say to yourself and are a form of therapeutic self-talk. They don’t have to be long or wordy, just impactful. Some examples of affirmations are, ‘I am enough,’ ‘I choose to react positively,’ and ‘I deserve to be loved.’

3. Ask for Forgiveness and Forgive Yourself

In Christian tradition, it’s easy to think of repentance as a punishment or otherwise negative process, but it isn’t. Because Jesus Christ took upon Himself all our sins, mistakes, and infirmities, we can seek daily forgiveness. Think of it as a refreshing shower that washes away the grime and stains of the day. Regular repentance allows us to present ourselves before God and ask Him to forgive our missteps and help us become better people.

In this process, we must remember that once God forgives us, we must also forgive ourselves. What’s done is done – we can only repent, make restitution as best we can, allow ourselves to be forgiven, and move forward.

4. Surround Yourself with Positive Influences

Whether we like it or not, we reflect those influences and people we surround ourselves with.

Making friends with like-minded people who share similar goals is critical in recovery. This is perhaps the most challenging aspect of life after treatment ends. Develop a post-treatment plan that includes attending support groups, social interaction with those you met while in care, and continued family therapy so your loved ones at home can have the tools they need to be positive and supportive.

5. Do Something Kind for Someone Every Day

This could be as simple as holding the door open for the person behind you, smiling back at your Starbucks Barista, or thanking a military veteran for their service. You can also serve as a regular volunteer, such as a tutor for disadvantaged children or serving food at a homeless shelter. Becoming a peer counselor is one of the best ways to help others with substance abuse issues.

source: https://renaissanceranch.net/5-ways-to-boost-your-self-esteem-during-recovery/


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