5 Ways to Maximize Tires for Climate Change Infographic

Climate change’s impact on our planet is both real and devastating. The consequences, ranging from rising temperatures to altered weather patterns and more frequent natural disasters, highlight the urgent need to address this global issue.

Amidst the myriad tips online for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint, skepticism arises. Is the information trustworthy, or does it conceal hidden agendas like greenwashing, political motives, or misinformation? Ironically, the pursuit of a cleaner environment can sometimes muddy the waters of information.

Let’s delve into an unexpected ally in this fight: tires.

Tires, often considered the universal good, play a dual role. They serve as essential components in our cars, trucks, airplanes, mining equipment, and bicycles – the shoes for these vehicles. Tires form a critical link between vehicles and roads, which, in turn, connect towns and cities globally. Even the singular tire on a wheelbarrow contributes to our interconnected reliance on them.

Contrary to the saying, tires don’t grow on trees, but they do contain natural rubber sourced from rubber trees. Manufacturers enhance durability by incorporating materials like steel and nylon. However, tire production contributes to carbon dioxide emissions, and discarded tires can linger in landfills for centuries, causing environmental harm.

Enter tire recycling – a viable solution to make climate change less severe. A scientific report on the environmental impact of car tires indicates that, after their useful life on the road, tires can be repurposed through methods like energy recovery or material recycling. In European Union countries, 40% of old tires are burnt with energy recovery, while 38% undergo material recycling involving shredding. This process reduces waste, conserves natural resources, and minimizes greenhouse gas emissions.

Unlike plastics, which can be shipped overseas causing problems for other countries, tires require local recycling plants. Every country needs tire recycling equipment and tire recyclers to prevent tires from ending up in landfills or on roadsides.

The evolution of tire recycling machinery is awe-inspiring. From the manual processes of the early days, where workers used handheld tools, today’s advanced machinery offers efficient and automated processing of scrap tires. Modern equipment can handle various tire sizes and types, producing high-quality recycled rubber crumbs or rubber powder. Picture machinery with the ability to chew up a whole mining truck tire and conveyor belts that separate rubber and metal using powerful magnets.

The journey of recycled rubber is more like reincarnation than resurrection. Although the materials don’t lead the same life again, they find purpose in various industries. Recycled tire rubber contributes to artificial turf for sports games, replaces coal in cement kilns, reducing coal emissions and mining, and even rubberizes asphalt for safer roads.

Despite progress, challenges remain. In 2019, the U.S. generated around 290 million scrap tires, but only 81.4% were recycled or used beneficially. This emphasizes the need for more tire recyclers to enhance efficiency.

Tire recycling showcases our potential to reduce waste across industries, conserve natural resources, and cut greenhouse gas emissions – a domino effect of environmental goodness. By recycling old tires, we actively contribute to mitigating the effects of climate change, underscoring the importance of slowing down this global challenge. In this unexpected twist, tires lead us towards a universal good for the planet.

source: https://ecogreenequipment.com/can-tires-help-us-beat-climate-change/


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