6 Don'ts of Self Medication Infographic

Self-medication comes in many different forms. Each has its purposes and reasons why people would resort to it in other circumstances. At the same time, there are some risks to the person’s overall health and well-being.


Alcohol is often used as a form of self-medication to deal with psychological or physical health problems. The sedative effects help reduce stress, depression, and insomnia while providing temporary relief. But drinking too much can put your health at risk because you build up a tolerance, which makes you want to drink more and can lead to dangerous results. Furthermore, alcohol can impede one’s capacity to make logical decisions and sound judgments, which may ultimately lead them to take dangerous risks that they would not have taken otherwise. So, it’s important to be aware of the risks of using alcohol as a self-medication and to only drink in moderation.


Nicotine and other substances that are often found in cigarettes and other tobacco products can also be used to treat mental health problems and relieve physical symptoms. While it is an effective short-term solution, long-term nicotine use can result in serious health risks such as heart conditions, lung cancer, and stroke. Also, because this substance is addictive, it is hard for people to stop using it, which creates a cycle of dependence. When using nicotine as a self-medication, it is important to be aware of the possible health risks and to be careful.

Recreational Drugs

While it is understandable to turn toward recreational drugs such as cocaine, amphetamines, and marijuana to self-medicate psychological or physical ailments like chronic pain, anxiety, and depression, they can have dangerous repercussions. Though these gain acceptance in some states, one must not overlook the potential risks. Without care, you could get addicted and have serious health problems, like brain damage, organ failure, or even death.

Prescription Drugs

Unlike illicit substances, these drugs are regulated and used as a method of self-medication in certain situations. ADHD medications, opioid painkillers to numb soreness, anti-anxiety pills, and antidepressants all fall into the category of prescription drugs used to relieve discomfort and provide feelings of restfulness. Still, it’s important to remember that prescription drugs can cause overdose or drug interactions if they are not taken and managed correctly by a doctor. Additionally, misusing these medications could cause physical dependence and impair someone’s capacity to moderate their intake, making them more susceptible to addiction.


Stress-eating, whatever you might refer to it, is an unhealthy way of trying to deal with emotions. Sugary and calorie-dense foods may give you a temporary sense of comfort or happiness, but if you keep eating them for a long time, they can lead to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and even depression. As well as causing physical harm, this can lead to feelings of guilt and remorse, which further compound issues. Instead of relying on bad eating habits as a way to self-medicate, it’s important to try things like exercise or therapy.


Lastly, some people use sexual activities like masturbation or intercourse as a way to treat themselves when they are stressed or sad. Endorphins can make you feel good for a short time, but they can also cause serious problems like sexually transmitted infections or unplanned pregnancies. Furthermore, it may give rise to feelings of guilt that could further increase mental distress. Therefore, practicing safe sex is highly encouraged, but be mindful of the potential repercussions of this form of self-medication.

In conclusion, various forms of self-medication exist today, and while they may appear as viable solutions to psychological or physical pain, each carries its own unique risks. It is important to know the risks of these substances and be careful if you want to use them to treat yourself.

Moreover, alternatives such as TMS and cognitive behavioral therapy can benefit mental ailments. Ultimately, self-medication should only be chosen as a last resort after exhausting all other options. Researching and considering the potential implications is essential before engaging in self-medication. It is advisable to seek professional assistance if one needs help managing the process. Individuals can ensure optimal mental and physical health throughout this challenging time.

source: https://neurostimtms.com/the-slippery-slope-of-self-medication/


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