6 Factors to Consider Before Divorce Infographic

Wanting to keep your family intact is an admirable goal. Often, counseling, coaching, or working with a mentor or religious leader can repair rifts in a relationship. Sometimes, divorce is the only option for restoring peace and allowing healing. Here are some indicators that divorce is the only option for moving forward healthily:


Every relationship has disagreements and frustrations. If you start thinking or speaking about your partner with contempt, that’s a sign you may have moved past normal levels of conflict and annoyance. Contempt is when you look at someone with disdain and a lack of respect. It’s very challenging to come back from that.

Differing Values and Visions

You will face challenges if you and your spouse see the world differently. If those differing views mean you have different values, you may need to consider divorce. Partners with different outlooks can have a successful marriage. If they can find common ground or unite around their shared values, their relationship can thrive. However, if your values differ fundamentally, there may not be enough common ground to keep you together.

More Bad Than Good

When the negative interactions start outweighing the positive, your relationship is in trouble. If you look back on the previous weeks and months and realize that you are upset with your spouse or they are upset with you more often than not, that’s concerning.

Intense Fights

While the number of negative experiences may be more significant than how intensely you fight, severe arguments are still a bad sign. It can be tempting to think you won’t benefit from a divorce because you don’t fight often. However, you can’t ignore fights that are exceptionally ugly or hurtful. Some things aren’t easily forgotten or forgiven. Intense fighting may mean your life would be more peaceful and your self-regard higher if you ended your marriage.

Lack of Trust

Whether it stems from infidelity, discovered financial secrets, or a pattern of untruths, returning from a lack of trust is challenging. Occasionally, intense marriage counseling can repair broken trust. However, if you aren’t making progress with your counselor or still feel you can’t trust your partner, this may validate feelings that your marriage is no longer the best thing for you. Staying married to someone you don’t trust or who doesn’t trust you is seldom healthy. If that’s your situation, think carefully about your options and whether you want to spend the rest of your life in a relationship without trust.


If your spouse abuses you emotionally, physically, or sexually, your relationship is badly broken. For the sake of your well-being and the safety and mental health of your children, please consult a divorce lawyer if you are experiencing abuse. You don’t need to tolerate that behavior. Your partner is showing you that they don’t respect you or the vows they made. Getting out can save your mental health and even your life.

Whether your relationship has explosive issues or you find yourself apathetic about your life with your spouse, divorce may be the best–or even the only–path toward restoring your sense of well-being and your enthusiasm for life.

source: https://divorceattorneyut.com/when-is-divorce-the-best-option/


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