6 Plastic Recycling Facts Worth Knowing Infographic

It is unbelievable how much plastic garbage gets manufactured each year. Plastic is all around us, and it’s no secret that plastic trash is an enormous concern for the environment. Here are several of the most startling plastic waste statistics. Share this brief overview of plastic facts, because unless we comprehend the full scope of the issue, it will never truly be resolved.

Plastic Bottles

One million plastic bottles are procured every minute, according to a survey by The World Counts. In the years ahead, that number is only anticipated to soar higher. As a result, there are billions of plastic bottles manufactured, making recycling plastic bottles considered to be an essential part of waste management.

Milk Containers

In the past 50 years, milk containers have transitioned from glass to plastic in every corner of the world that consumes milk. One of the most popular materials is the milk containers, which come in all different sizes. Every day, millions are manufactured. These bottles unfortunately wind up in large quantities in landfills, rivers, and seas, harming wildlife and the environment.

Plastic Wrap

Food is frequently wrapped in plastic to protect it; however, this practice adds to the plastic waste stream. In truthfulness, Americans consume enough plastic wrap annually to complete a full Earth encirclement. Earth wrapped in plastic is one of the few mental pictures that really capture the issue of plastic.

Plastic Recycling Turnover

The amount of recycled plastic varies globally. While some nations recycle a significant amount of their plastic garbage, others do not recycle at all. This underscores how crucial regular thorough recycling programs are for reducing plastic waste and resource waste globally.

Common Unrecyclable Plastics

The most often used non-recyclable polymers include styrofoam, bubble wrap, and plastic bags. Coffee cups and balloons are also included on this depressing list of items that we need to use sparingly or not at all. These plastics are frequently dumped in landfills or the environment, harming animals and ecosystems, because recycling facilities do not generally take them. A staggering 146 million metric tons of plastic were used in package manufacture in 2017, which accounted for the greatest demand.

The Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch

A growing risk for our planet’s environment is a floating accumulation of plastic debris in one of the world’s largest oceans. Millions of pounds of plastic garbage, primarily in the form of microplastics, make up the enormous island of trash, which is thought to be twice the size of Texas. Ocean currents that carry plastic from coastal regions to a central spot, resulting in a dangerous buildup of debris, are what cause this patch.

Now that you are aware of the sobering statistics surrounding plastic use, what are we going to do about the zillions of milk bottles, plastic wrap, and bottles of plastic? Do all you can to help. Next time you talk about waste management, recycling, or how you can contribute to the solution of our plastic waste problem, keep in mind these plastic recycling statistics.

source: https://atlasdisposal.com/blog/plastic-recycling-facts-you-should-know/


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