7 Champagne FAQ's Infographic


There’s no better symbol of celebration than savoring a glass of champagne. What distinguishes Champagne, setting it apart from other sparkling wines? Are all bubbly beverages considered true Champagne, or is there a distinction? If you’re eager to learn more about the world of sparkling delight, here are some frequently asked questions about Champagne.

1. What is Champagne?

Sparkling wine is a broad category that includes Champagne. However, not all sparkling wine can be referred to as Champagne. The designation Champagne is reserved for wines produced in the specific northern region of France that shares the name. Simply being located in this region doesn’t grant winemakers the authority to label their wine as Champagne. To qualify, Champagne wines must adhere to stringent appellation laws governing grape cultivation, grape varieties, and the winemaking process.

2. What are Some Common Varieties of Champagne?

Champagne varieties are categorized based on their dryness or sweetness, whether they are vintage or non-vintage, and the color of the wine. The Union des Maisons de Champagne recognizes the following varieties:

  • Vintage and non-vintage
  • White Cold Drink
  • Champagne Rosé
  • Special Cuvées
  • Champagne Biologique
  • Champagne Kosher

3. What is Vintage Champagne?

Vintage and non-vintage Champagne are distinct due to grape sourcing. Vintage Champagnes are made from a single harvest, highlighting the year’s characteristics, while non-vintage Champagnes are a blend of grapes from different harvests. Non-vintage Champagnes are more scarce and expensive, while vintage Champagnes are more consistent.

4. What Does a Champagne’s Dosage Mean?

Dosage in Champagne involves the addition of reserve wine and sugar to a Champagne bottle.

  • Extra Brut Champagne: 0 to 6 grams per liter of residual sugars
  • Brut Champagne: Less than 12 grams per liter of residual sugars
  • Extra Sec (Extra Dry): 12 to 17 grams per liter of residual sugars
  • Sec. (dry): 17 to 32 grams per liter of residual sugars
  • Demi-Sec: 32 to 50 grams per liter of residual sugars
  • Doux: More than 50 grams per liter of residual sugars, making it the sweetest variety.

5. What Foods Pair Best with Champagne?

Champagne, a versatile sparkling wine, pairs well with various dishes, especially lighter ones like blanc de blanc, and is best served chilled.

6. Does Champagne Come from White Grapes?

Champagne is made from seven different grape varieties, including white and red grapes. The diversity in grape selection contributes to the rich spectrum of flavors in different Champagnes.

7. How Does Champagne Get its Bubbles?

Sparkling wine gets its bubbles in a special way. In the second part of making the wine, yeast, sugar, and wine are added. The yeast changes the sugar into bubbles (carbon dioxide) and alcohol. Champagne has bubbles, but when you open the bottle, it starts to lose its fizz quickly. To keep the bubbles, it’s important to close the bottle tightly with a special stopper for sparkling wine when you’re not using it. Using a regular wine stopper won’t work well, and it might even pop out of the bottle. If you seal a Champagne bottle properly with a sparkling wine stopper, you can keep the bubbles in the fridge for up to three days.

Champagne is an ideal choice for any occasion with a deep understanding of its origins, production process, and enjoyment, allowing for confident and skillful selection.

source: https://sauvage-restaurant.com/champagne-queries-what-you-want-to-know-about-bubbly/


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