7 Site Recommendations for a Recycling Company Infographic

Tired of flimsy plastic deck chairs? I have a solution. Start a creative, sustainable outdoor furniture business. Storm-proof bean bags made completely of recycled tire rubber. That sounds Shark Tank-worthy.

Tire recycling is a terrific startup business concept even if storm-proof beanbags aren’t your ambition. Before accumulating tires for bean bag production or other projects, you’ll need a recycling line and storage. Consider these factors while picking a location for your tire recycling business.

Proximity to Tire Suppliers:

Make sure your location is near tire stores, vehicle repair companies, and scrap yards to get a consistent supply of tires to recycle. Since tires are heavy and hard to transport, these providing businesses prioritize convenience when acquiring recycled tires.

A Demand for Tire-derived Products:

To ensure your products have a market, research local recycled tire demand. Tire-derived gasoline, rubber mulch, playground surfaces, and rubberized asphalt are popular. The easiest method to do this is to talk to firms and people who will buy your items.


Make sure your firm has enough room. Divide the firm into storage, processing, and shipment. Each demands a lot of space. Industrial districts and town fringes offer more space for less money.

Future Growth:

Consider your business’s growth potential in your chosen location. Startups frequently have modest expectations. They set low expectations out of fear of failing. Avoid this level. Imagine how many tires you could process daily if you got huge. While you don’t need a large site to start, planning for expansion lets you make crucial changes later.


Your firm needs visibility, especially to suppliers. Choose a place accessible to huge tire trailers and vehicles. Place signs at entrances and street corners. Tire recycling is excellent for the environment, so why not choose a location that promotes your business? Many industrial warehouses hide.

Laws and Regulations:

After narrowing down your choices, examine local rules to ensure your firm complies with all local laws. Tire fires and heaps are dangerous. Most states restrict their location and size.

Noise and Air Pollution:

Address noise and air pollution concerns. Aim to minimize negative effects on the local community by choosing a suitable location.

While finding the perfect location might be challenging, remember that perfection isn’t a prerequisite for success. Compromises may be necessary, and success doesn’t hinge solely on an ideal spot. In fact, starting is often more crucial than finding the flawless location.

In 2018, the European Tire and Rubber Manufacturer Association emphasized material recycling, specifically tire grinding and shredding, as a top method for reducing tire pollution. Tire recycling, despite its complexities, remains a pivotal solution for a circular economy.

What’s Next? Once your location is secured, invest in high-quality tire recycling equipment. ECO Green leads in tire shredders and specialized machinery for efficient rubber reduction. Quality equipment can compensate for an average location, ensuring your plant’s profitability and sustainability.

So, whether you’re envisioning unique products or eco-friendly furniture, don’t keep your tire recycling dreams to yourself. Join the global movement toward a circular economy, and share the benefits of sustainable practices with the world.


source: https://ecogreenequipment.com/7-Tips-for-Picking-the-Perfect-Location-for-Your-Tire-Recycling-Business/


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