7 Tips for Putting Twin Babies to Sleep Infographic

You’ve undoubtedly heard the joke “you got two for the price of one” if you’re expecting twins. Unfortunately, this is inaccurate, especially when it comes to sleep-related issues. When you are taking care of two or more babies, it is a rare and valuable resource. Here are the top seven suggestions for enhancing your children’s daily routine and sleep.

1. Work Out Evening Shifts

Overnights are difficult at first since you have little time to sleep because you must get up every two to three hours to complete several feedings, diaper changes, and shushing back to sleep. Most of the time, splitting the night in half will best guarantee that you each receive a few hours of unbroken sleep. This works excellently if you intend to bottle-feed. You should schedule a period throughout the day when you or your spouse may pump for the baby’s nightly feedings if you intend to breastfeed exclusively.

2. Keep Their Schedules Staggered

Plan to start their workout 10 to 20 minutes later than usual. You should space out their routines by the length of a typical feeding if you are nursing but not tandem feeding. For instance, the first will feed and burp if you first follow the eat, play, and sleep cycle. They will be placed on their backs or stomachs to play after that.

3. Treat Them As The Individuals They Are

Every baby is unique, whether they are identical, fraternal, or sororal. One infant could prefer bottles. You might not. The list may go on and on. You will eventually become familiar with the subtle variations between each one and be able to fine-tune your routine to have two sound sleepers.

4. Create A Bedtime Routine

In general, babies should go to bed between 7 and 8 PM since they sleep the longest and with the least difficulty. If you don’t, establish a regimen that you can maintain on your own. It will assist in sending a sleep-related signal to the brains of your infants.

5. Organize Their Room

When you transfer them to sleep in their room, you’re setting yourself up for success. Have their room as black as you can make it; ideally, you shouldn’t be able to see your hand in front of your face. This will lessen the likelihood that they will be awakened by the dawn.

6. Have Them Nap Independently

Although the majority of twins become used to one other’s noises, letting them nap apart ensures they receive the greatest daytime sleep possible, which will help you obtain better nighttime sleep. Again, you could discover that one is a skilled napper who consistently takes one to two-hour naps while the other never goes beyond an hour.

7. Have Support In Place

You and your spouse will be better parents if you put self-care and sleep first. Have a loved one set up a food train for you; it’s lovely to have one when you’re on parental leave, but it’s much better to have one once it’s finished, especially if one partner’s leave is brief or nonexistent.

A newborn care specialist, night nurse, or newborn sleep coach may significantly improve your and your baby’s ability to sleep through the night if your family isn’t close and you have the money to hire one.

source: https://tinytransitions.com/7-tips-for-baby-sleep-help-with-twins/


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