9 Basic Principles of Landscape Design Infographic

Before starting a landscaping project, it is crucial to understand the fundamentals of landscape design. Good landscapes are a science, and as Glen Ellyn landscape contractors, we are well-versed in this field. Here are nine key components that make up an amazing landscape design.


An excellent landscape is uniform and consistent. Consistency can connect various elements and establish a consistent mood or theme. Your design will flow more smoothly if you repeat elements. Plants, furnishings, and patterns can all be used as consistency-enhancing elements.


Equilibrium produces fairness and cohesion. Asymmetrical and symmetrical balance are the two sorts that can be found in a landscape. The landscape has a symmetrical equilibrium when both sides are the same. Asymmetrical balancing refers to the use of various elements and objects with comparable fictitious weights to balance the landscape design.

Contrast and Harmony

Contrast makes certain elements of your design stand out, whilst harmony gives your design cadence and cohesion. By contrasting displays of heights, textures, and complementing colors, you may create contrast and balance.

Good Color

Using color is crucial in landscaping. Different colors are used for various purposes. Red, orange, and other warm hues may cause items to appear closer than they actually are. Use cool hues like blues and greens to make objects appear farther away.


Landscape elements undergo progressive modifications during transitions. Gradually changing a plant’s size or color brilliance produces transitions. Transitions are also utilized to change the scale of various objects as well as their textures and foliage shapes.


In landscaping, lines are such a powerful tool. There are many other ways to use lines, such as to make beds, walkways, textures, and perspectives. Lines can deceive the eye into thinking something is far away or deeper.


An element’s size in relation to another is referred to as its proportion. It’s vital to think about the ratio of your components and how they will blend. An orderly and visually beautiful design requires proper proportion. There is such a thing as having too much good.


While having a variety of items in your yard is good, making a pattern and repeating certain pieces gives your design a unified, harmonious sense. A design that contains too many random elements may appear haphazard and unplanned. On the other side, overusing a certain element might make your design appear uninteresting and cluttered. Strike the ideal balance.


Making your landscape realistic, useable, and organized is easy with the help of paths. It’s a fantastic technique to maintain the cleanliness of your yard. By making trails to walk on, you may prevent leaving footprints on your lawn and mud all over your patio.

When performing landscape maintenance:

1. Conceive a plan. Understanding your property requires time and effort. Measure things. Create a map of your home, together with any fences, outbuildings, patios, walkways, pools, and so on.

2. Observe the nine design principles. When planning out your landscape, use the aforementioned nine components as a guide. By adhering to those principles, everything will remain visually appealing and unified.

3. Start the preparation work. Produce lines in your area with a garden hose while you are still in the planning stage so you can use it to scale how big you want your patterns to be and what shapes you’d like to create.

4. Begin planting. Dig a hole twice as wide as the container when you start the planting process for each plant. Surround the plant with filler. To avoid covering or obstructing the sunlight from smaller plants, position your bigger shrubs and trees in the back of your design. Next, add ground coverings to the area to fill it in and provide mass. Add annuals and perennials to keep your landscape interesting and lovely all year long.

5. Mulch completes the appearance. This will bring all of your components together and aid in safeguarding your roots. Mulch has several advantages, including helping to keep soil moisture levels stable. The icing on the cake is that mulch discourages weed growth.

Good luck with your landscaping endeavors. Following our suggestions will enable you to get outstanding results. Give us a call if you need help with your Naperville landscaping renovations.

source: https://warelandscaping.com/9-basic-principles-of-landscape-design/


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