9 Ways to Master Amazon's A9 Algorithm Infographic

Nobody would argue that the internet has overtaken the actual marketplace. Shopping online becomes a new trend for all ages. Because of high accessibility to technology, it becomes easier to purchase the products that you need especially for holiday seasons. This is the reason why a lot of sellers have taken their business chances through Amazon. However, even if Amazon is a lucrative place to sell, you can’t maximize its benefits if you don’t understand how its algorithm works. This infographic introduces you to Amazon’s A9 Algorithm. This is similar to Google’s algorithm which is responsible for providing rankings in the search engine’s result pages.

1. A9 checks the customer retention rate of a seller. Retention rate measures the time by which the same customer repeatedly buys from a seller. Whenever a buyer buys again, the same page is refreshed. It sends signals to the algorithm so that whenever a search relevant to your product is made, your website will show first.

2. There are millions of website viewers but converting them to become buyers is the challenge. If your images are of quality, your website loads fast and your product quality seemed very convincing, your conversion rate could go high. This will also affect your rankings on Amazon.

3. Even in the Google search engine, relevance is very important. Your site in Amazon should be relevant to the product that you are selling. It will avoid confusions among your customers.

4. As much as possible, encourage your customers to make reviews of your product. Getting more reviews will make your product gets better ranking in Amazon. Most of all, if you get plenty of positive reviews, it will show that your business is credible and reliable. It will serve as an advertisement because your customers are sharing their experiences with your product which is already a form of word-of-mouth.

5. Answer queries as promptly as possible. Customers make questions because they are interested in your product. Letting it unanswered for a long period of time will create an impression that you are not ready to respond to your customer requirements.

6. High-quality images make your product eye-catching. Many small images will just pass by someone’s eyes but a big and bold image can retain in their minds. More so, don’t use images that were not enhanced. You can use Photoshop to enhance its quality.

7. Keyword stuffing does no good if you want to rank in Google. But in Amazon, keyword stuffing still works. Just make it appear natural so that your 80-word title can be crawled by Amazon’s A9 algorithm.

8. Another important aspect that Amazon looks into is your pricing strategy. You should not price it without regard to competition. Benchmark on other’s prices so that you will know what the appropriate price for your product is. It is also better than you beat the competition.

9. Product listings are very important to Amazon. Don’t skip any part. You have to be thorough in providing details of your listings. Skipping any part of it may mean being skipped by Amazon’s A9 algorithm.

source: https://www.prospershow.com/media/prosper-blog/mastering-amazons-a9-algorithm


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