Decluttering-your-Home Infographic

Children, pets, and other people may cause your house to be disorganized and full of stuff that is not supposed to be seen by visitors. Sometimes, litters are everywhere, clothes are piled up every corner, paper, plastics, and toys are mixed up as if ten children played inside the house. This is easy to solve by decluttering your house every weekend or whenever you feel like doing so or whenever you are vacant. However, whether it is today or tomorrow, this infographic will be of great help. It provides useful tips that will help you organize your house and make it presentable even for unexpected visitors.

1. Plan this activity. You need to set the time so that it won’t affect your schedule. If you can’t plan for it, you will not have a motivation to do it on the scheduled date. For working people, decluttering time could be hard to find but if you can do it with the kids, try it on a Saturday.

2. After setting up the time, prepare four bins. It will be useful in segregating your cluttered items. These four bins have different uses. Plastic bins are recommended. Don’t use trash bags because some of your items may not need to be permanently thrown away. Also, using plastic bags will keep you away from doing it fast.

3. The first bin that you need to prepare is the trash bin. From the name itself, you put trash into it. Trash are items that are no longer wanted in the house. It could be damaged or broken items, recyclable or nonrecyclable as long as it won’t be used anymore for any purpose. However, for recyclable materials, you can have a separate bin for it and visualize what can kind of item do you wish to use it for. If you can’t think of any, it would be better if you just throw it away.

4. The second bin that you must use is the donation bin. Old books, catalogs, magazines, bags, shoes, and clothes can still be donated to charity institutions. Some of your items may have been used up but others may have not even got a scratch. It is better to donate it somewhere. If you have seen expensive items, but you don’t have a wide space to store it, better sell it to a consignment store.

5. The third bin is the storage bin. This is used for items that you would still want to keep because it is expensive or you expect to still use it in the future. However, you shouldn’t be too sentimental when you are storing items. Movie tickets, business cards or packaging of a product may remind you of something but keeping it a long time won’t be useful. Instead, it will just add to the stuff you have at the house. Keep the memories in your heart, but get rid of the trash.

6. The PUT AWAY BIN is another option. This bin is used for items that must be put away in their spot. For example, your child uses socks on a daily basis. At the end of the day, the socks will be thrown inside this bin. At the end of the week, you might realize that he actually has too many socks and some of the pairs would be worth donating.



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