When it comes to improving your branding, marketing experts know that it isn’t enough just to market your product. You need to improve the overall branding of your company to attract people. And you can’t stop at appealing to potential customers or investors only; you need to improve how potential employees perceive your brand, so the best of the best will want to work for you.

Enhance Your Employer Branding Using Infographics
(Pixabay / mohamed_hassan)

Boosting Your Employer Branding

People looking for jobs often go to big corporations because they think that notoriety makes a good employer. What employers may not realize is that for many employees, job security, benefits, and company culture are just as important as the salary. Companies can attract better talent by burnishing their image as a great employer that offers first-rate benefits and a stellar work environment. In the battle for acquiring talent, it is important to remain ahead of the competition. In fact, many companies pour just as much of their budget into PR and marketing their brand to potential employees as they spend in advertising their products and services to customers. If you can convince highly skilled people to work for you, you are sure to rise above your competitors by the sheer talent of your workforce.

Infographics Can Help

One of the things that companies do to boost their market appeal to job seekers is to make their job ads compelling as well as clever. Good infographics that visually display what your company is looking for or what the company is striving toward can be powerful assets.

Infographics as help wanted ads have been used by a lot of major companies, including McDonalds and Disneyland. If you are thinking of creating an infographic to recruit employees, you could use a few different tactics. For example, you could develop an infographic to show the perks of working for your company. Perhaps your organization offers free tickets to local sports games to employees or has an all-you-can-eat ice cream bar or great views of the local skyline from your office building. All of these benefits can be featured in a visually appealing way through an infographic.

You can also showcase current employees, highlighting their background, education, and awards they have garnered. This lets people know that they will be working alongside high-quality individuals who they can learn from.

Finally, you can highlight your company’s successes through a timeline. Show how you have grown from a small startup to a major brand. Talk about the growth of your client base, honors you have won as a company—anything to show that you are an up-and-coming organization. When people see that your company is continuing to progress, they’ll perceive that they will be able to grow and develop as an employee and be more likely to apply to work for you.

You can share these infographics on social media, digital job boards, and on your website. You can also include them in digital communications with job applicants.

Infographics for Potential Employees

And speaking of job applicants, don’t be surprised if you get inbound infographics from people who want to work for you. People are looking for ways to jazz up the standard resume, and some applicants may seek to showcase their performance through an infographic. This allows you to assess their creativity and presentation skills.

It used to be that infographics were only for attracting new customers, but they can be leveraged for far more. Improve your ability to attract top-tier employees by appealing to them with well-executed infographics.
