Sleeping inside your own house gives you the freedom to whatever you do while you sleep. Some are very loud because they snore while others even do sleepwalk. But, there can be no problem with that because you will not be ashamed of your family members. Now, what if you go on a trip with your friends, classmates or colleagues and you have a dental condition like bruxism. It is a medical term for grinding the teeth or clenching the jaws which create an annoying sound especially in the middle of the night. It is something that you can’t control unless you are not going to sleep. How will you deal with this condition? This infographic provides an explanation about bruxism and how you can deal with it.
1. Definitely, you are not aware of the fact that you grind your teeth because you are sleeping. However, you can tell by the reactions of the people you sleep with because they had interrupted sleep because of the irritating sound that you make. Hence, it is important that you tell them first about your dental condition so that precautions can be done. Until now, grinding of the teeth is associated with a high level of stress that the person is experiencing. Try to lessen out stress before going on for a trip so that the grinding could at least be minimized.
2. More often than not, you will not be able to feel that you are creating the sound of grinding teeth but you will be able to feel that you clenched your jaws or grind your teeth if you felt pain in your mouth when you wake up. Also, you will feel headaches and earaches as well as facial pain and stiffness in the jaw and the surrounding muscles. Sometimes, you can also check on some worn down teeth, tooth sensitivity, broken teeth or filings, tooth loss and sleep disruption. Take note of these symptoms and visit a dentist.
3. Headaches and facial pains are temporary, however, the problem is big if you keep on losing your teeth because of bruxism. If you experience all of the other symptoms, you must visit a dentist so that these symptoms will not be worse.
4. The dentist will recommend a protector to your mouth like a mouth guard or mouth splint so that the effects of the bruxism will be minimal. However, if the grinding of the teeth is caused by stress or anxiety, the dentist will give treatment on cognitive behavioral therapy because the root of the problem is not the teeth itself but something in your brain. Relaxation, de-stressing and other therapy might help you best.
5. Therefore, as a person who understands this infographic, you can properly deal with yourself and even others who grind their teeth while sleeping. You must not be easily irritated by them. Instead, you can help them by providing solutions to their problems. You can ask them to bear with the sound or ask the person nicely that he or she can transfer to another place to sleep.
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