Nobody wants to be scammed. Sellers aim for profit and a buyer who doesn’t pay is never good for the business. On the other hand, buyers want to be satisfied with the product that they are buying. If only, these kinds of sellers and buyers exist, the problem won’t arise. Unfortunately, because of the nature of internet marketing, scammers can also be any of the buyer or seller. They are articulate in the words they choose to describe themselves and might provide offers that are so good to be true. This infographic is designed to make you avoid and report scammers on the Amazon.
1. Find the keywords. These are called red flags. They might provide too much discount, a 90% discount on an item sounds a good deal, right? If you are a knowledgeable buyer, you could say that something is really fishy.
2. Reviews are very helpful. If you are a first buyer, reviews and testimonials from previous buyers would be of great help. Also, if you already have experienced being scammed by the seller, share your experience so it will serve as a reference for others.
3. Shipping of only 24 hours. Also, a very good proposition but don’t be easily swayed by this promotions. Check its location and your location. The difference can tell when the product will truly arrive.
4. If all of this is possible in e-commerce, there are also ways that you can protect and maintain the integrity of your business. The first thing that you need to do is to report any fraudulent activity on Amazon. A good Amazon sales manager can easily spot the red flags and when you do, check their website. If your gut tells you that it is fraud, don’t wait for a victim, and report it immediately.
5. For reporting, go directly to the point. Simple formats for reporting such as the one listed in this infographic is enough. You must avoid using the words such as fake and counterfeit and you must not report the same seller twice. Or else, an adverse impression will be taken at your end.
6. Good thing about Amazon is its seller community. You must report the seller to this community so that they will be alarmed of the list of hijackers. The sellers here might be of great help on how you can deal with these scammers. They could also share other tips on how you can easily spot one as well as countermeasures if you’ve been scammed.
7. Push notifications could help a lot in your endeavour to prevent scams on your listing. If you already using auto-pricers, just contact the provider so you can add this feature. This will allow you track fraudulent activities faster than normal means.
8. Customers are another great key. A negative review could be damaging to the business even though it was a fraud. Hence, it is better if you know your customers better and makes things more personal with them. Send an email back notice or thank you e-cards to them so they can offset the negative review which is not real. A positive actual review is a far way stronger than a fraudulent negative review. Customers can tell. Just believe in it.
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