How-To-Prepare-Your-Kitchen-For-the-Holidays Infographic

Are you preparing for the holiday? What meals are you going to prepare? Did you buy new utensils or holiday pieces? No matter how much preparation you make if the kitchen won’t be ready for this event, your holiday won’t be as happier as you think. So, follow the tips on this infographic so you can keep your kitchen ready for all cooking activities that you have in mind.

1. Sometimes, there are leftovers in your fridge, pantry, storage boxes, chillers and drawers. These could strips of fruits and vegetables, condiments and other food and garnishes you used in the previous occasion. Remove all of it and clean the area. Food leftovers might be mixed with your newly prepared ones.

2. Tasty dishes are only possible with spices. However, these have expiry dates and you need to be wary of it. For some spices that have no expiration date, just open and check its smell. If it has no smell at all, it’s time to throw them away.

3. Washing the dishes, oven, drawers, boxes, sink and other appliances is not fun at all but necessary. You can’t afford to do it simultaneously while you are cooking. Aside from taking the kitchen space, it will be more laborious.

4. Do the inventory of your cookware. You need to make sure that all pieces will be used properly. If you have helpers, you can label the dishes and kitchen wares with the content of it and what will be its content. This would allow you to concentrate on your cooking while letting others serve the guests and the family.

5. To maximize the space for cooking, it would be better if you organize your kitchen tools and utensils. Remove the items from your countertops, tables and drawers to allow better movement when you are cooking.

6. In all of the menus you are going to cook, the sharpness of the knife is very essential. It’s actually annoying when you have a blunt knife. Cutting onion will take time and that would ruin the mood for cooking. That’s why you need to sharpen it before you start cooking. If possible, buy extra new knives.

7. Prepare the garbage bags, plastic bags, kitchen string, aluminium foil, and plastic wrap because you will have many garbage to throw such as the peelings, strips, leftovers, plastics etc. Most households don’t really keep this in mind but when you are cooking a lot and there’s plenty of garbage in your kitchen, menus can be cooked with no hassle and eyesore.

8. Keep the kitchen safe for the children. While you are cooking, you’re little fellow would love to watch by. They would even join you. However, it is not the best place for them to play especially when you boiling water or soup, or deep frying the chicken. You must also keep matches, lighters and sharp utensils out of children reach.

9. Check up your appliances especially the oven, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher and freezer. Prevent it from malfunction while you are cooking that could cause further damage not just to the dish that you are cooking but to your entire house.



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How to Prepare your Kitchen for the Holidays Infographic
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