Summer is your time to grow business regarding revenue and branding, accomplished through marketing, promotional events, and sales.

Promotional Ideas for Local Summer Events

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The following are some ideas to take advantage of summer by promoting your products locally:

  • Promos – Good weather allows customers enjoying the outdoors. This is your opportunity to showcase what you have to offer with promotional signage. And there’s a reason you still see businesses passing out flyers… it can work. Get creative with your promotional signage.
  • Product catalog – People are more likely to buy what they’ve seen before. Have a list of your summer best sellers printed in a catalog and ready to hand out at local summer events.
  • Giveaways – Customers love freebies. Introduce your summer products by giving out samples (if applicable) or free giveaways. Include in the giveaways flyers of your other products. The visuals will grab the attention of the consumers and inform them of what you have to offer.
  • Personalized greeting cards – Design personalized greeting cards for your friends, colleagues, and customers. Send out summer greetings that welcome the season and highlight your brand and your products.
  • Summer recipes – You can get creative in establishing a correlation between a summer recipe and your product through graphics. If your product has something to do with food or can be enjoyed with food, you can give out summer recipes to your customers.
  • Social media – Tie your product to the season in your social media posts. The more appealing your post, the more shareable it becomes.


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