If you want to get ahead of competition, capitalize on your website. It will make you earn sales in the future. However, designing a website can be more complicated than you think. It requires studying your target audience, knowing their likes and dislikes, their preference of a website and the frequency of their usage. Not all websites can gain favor from the customers because unfriendly websites tend to have higher bounce rates and low conversion rates. What caused these problems? It is listed on this infographic.
1. One of the most annoying elements in the website is the pop up advertisements. It distracts the users focus on the contents of the website. This acts like a wall between you and the customer causing them to simply exit the website resulting to high bounce rates.
2. There are lots of gadgets that are internet enabled. Because of this, users are also using different media to have access to certain websites. This requires companies to design their website that will make it suitable for any gadget. Mobile friendly websites will gain more traffic because customers use their iPhones or Smartphones more often than their desktop computers.
3. Slow loading time is a real conversion killer. Conversion means that a website user becomes a customer for the company. Waiting is never good for the business because no customer wants to wait for a long time. When your website load halfway but takes more than a minute to show the full page, the customer will just click the close button. Worst case is that, they will never return to your website. So, even if your offers are very advantageous on their part, it will just become useless.
4. Display is very important. A dull and boring page won’t even get the attention of the user. Use of effective template, better design, background, layout and other components of a website design are important in ensuring that the user will stay on the page. Hence, you have to be the visionary while your programmer will simply take the technical aspect. Design your website imaging yourself as the customer. That’s why feedback on trial periods are necessary.
5. Customers went to your website because they need something. These could be information that are essential in their purchase decisions. If this information is hard to find, customers will go looking for another website. And that is not a good thing for your business. Remember that you are not alone in the marketplace. So, create a layout or format that will make it easy to navigate your website.
6. Do you like sales personnel tailing you in the mall; then ask if you want to buy these and that or what you are looking for? Definitely, not! They are annoyance in your shopping spree. That same thing also happens in a website where your chat apps or virtual sales personnel keep bugging your customers. They must be of help when the customers want that help. Sign up now mailing lists that pop-ups from time to time are like your annoying salesman.
source: https://www.utahsites.com/reasons-why-nobody-wants-to-stay-longer-on-your-website-infographic/
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