Even with the modern technology, predicting an earthquake occurrence has not been 100% accurate. This requires both individuals and businesses to prepare whenever the disaster will happen. Earthquake is one of the natural disasters that provide an intense level of damages that can cause loss of life and belongings, buildings and roads. It can make one’s life miserable or a business ceasing to exist. Several organizations both public and private often distribute information materials about how to cope with this disaster. This infographic provides essential safety tips that will make you prepared for the possible damages caused by an earthquake.
1. Know the level of earthquake risk in your area. Living in Hawaii, Alaska, California, and Nevada make you prone to this disaster; hence, your preparations must be at a higher level than those living in other states. Washington, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, Montana, and Oregon are also considered high risk for earthquakes. Check on the trends of earthquake occurrences in your state and watch out for public announcements about possible earthquakes.
2. When earthquake happens, your business could be surrounded by many hazards. This includes loss of electricity. It is normal that there will be power outage because electrical wires could be damaged around the affected area. Your goal is to ensure that you have a backup plan that will give power supply for the weeks of blackout. Another problem that you must prepare for is the loss of communication channels because signals and towers are damaged. Water supply is also another issue during earthquakes. Does your business continuity plan include ways to solve such problems? These won’t be easy to handle especially if you have not prepared for any of the aftermath of an earthquake.
3. Another hazard that you must take note of is the damages in the transportation routes. It will cause delays in the travel time of your employees so you must provide alternate routes and give time allowance.
4. Business Continuity Plans or BCP along with Risk Management Plans should be integrated in the overall strategy of an organization. Starting with risk assessments, risk management, and risk evaluations, the company can create strategies on how to provide immediate remedies on the damages caused by earthquake. It must include activities to do during and after its strike. Make sure that all employees are aware of these safety tips and discuss the exit areas so that everyone can get out of the building.
5. Before the earthquake happens you must clear doorways and exit areas at all times, while shelving units and filing cabinets should be secured. Electronic items must be always secured along with heavy items. Also, clear your desks so that you can follow the drop, cover and hold on.
6. While earthquake is happening, you must stay inside when you are inside the building and if you are outside, you must remain where you are. Just lay low, and follow the drop, cover and hold on instructions. But, if you are on the road, you must stop, pull over and stay in your car while it is still shaking.
source: https://www.disastercompany.com/stay-safe-during-an-earthquake/
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