Driving a car makes transportation very easy and convenient. However, a car may cause some problems if tires get damaged while you are halfway your desired destination. Some car owners drive an extra tire especially if they are going to mountainous areas and they can just replace the tire that gets busted. Also, others bring their own tools so that they can fix the tires if it becomes damaged while they are travelling. One thing they forgot is that upon repairing it by themselves, they forgot to bring to repair shops to permanently fix the problem. This can cause another problem because you might travel again and it could get damaged again while you are on the highway. In this infographic, you will learn some of the tire myths that you should stop doing.
1. Don’t use a plug to cover the hole. A plug is an expandable material that is used to cover the hole from the outside of the tire. It is wedged into the tire until the air leakage stops. However, when the pressure is too high, the plug can easily detach from the tire. In this case, using a patch is better. It is also an expandable material that covers the hole of the tire from the inside. It is usually bigger than the hole but since it is put inside, no matter how high the pressure is, it does not easily detach from the tire.
2. There are considered first aid to tire damages. This is a liquid in can that shoots out under the tire and finds the hole where the air passes through. The air is being solidified so that air leakage will stop. However, a fix-a flat cannot stay for long period of time. On the average, it can only stay for three days or a hundred mile of driving. If you forgot to bring it to auto repair shop, the next you drive the car, your tires may get damaged again. It is better to go to tire shops from time to time so that an expert can tell whether you need to change tires or they can still fix it.
3. Some people also think that tire allotment ultimately solve the tire problem. The truth is even the tires are aligned when the treads are not, the tire damage can get worse. Better find an expert to check on your tire alignments and tread wear. Especially if you are going for a long drive, you must not ignore symptoms of tire problems because it will cause you problem while driving.
4. Have you felt vibrations while driving your car? This is due to unbalanced tires. In this case, you must go to a repair shop because a machine will be used to ensure that it is balanced. Trial and error until the vibrations are gone is not a reliable method. Do not risk your safety. Always let your tires be checked by experts. Some tire shops have services that will pick up your car directly from your home. Better have the contact number of the best tire shop in town.
source: https://burtbrothers.com/blog/tire-myths-infographic/
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