Based on the recent data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there is one crash-related pedestrian fatality every 1.6 hours in the U.S. This translates to an average of more than 5,000 deaths in a given year. In addition to this data, almost 129,000 pedestrians were treated with non-fatal crash-related injuries in 2015.
The most common accidents involve pedestrians getting struck by cars while waiting at bus stops or attempting to cross streets. They may occur when drivers may be too focused on the traffic ahead that they may not notice people in the crosswalk or stepping off the sidewalk. These accidents may also result from drivers running red lights or driving under the influence. Still from the CDC data, almost half (48%) of the crash-related pedestrian fatalities are due to alcohol-impaired drivers or pedestrians. Vehicles running at faster speeds pose additional risks of pedestrian-related accidents include
Pedestrian accidents can happen anywhere at any time, but they are particularly common in cities or urban areas at night. Las Vegas, for instance, can be very dangerous to pedestrians because of its crowded streets and bustling nightlife.
Injuries from Pedestrian Accidents
The injuries resulting from pedestrian accidents range from leg fractures due to the impact of car bumpers to herniated discs and kidney or spleen injuries due to fall experienced by the pedestrian who is thrown into the air during the accident.
The accidents may also cause major life-altering injuries including traumatic brain injury (TBI). This injury is caused by a blow to the head that interrupts standard brain function. They can be mild TBIs or concussions, or a more serious case which can cause depression, and the loss of movement, memory, vision, or hearing. The most serious cases can lead to death. According to the CDC, TBI contributes to more than 50,000 deaths per year in the U.S. From this data, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of TBI-related death for people aged 5 to 24 years old. They are also the top cause of TBI-related hospitalization for people with ages 15 to 44.
Getting the Compensation You Deserve
Like people who are involved in a motor accident have the right to seek financial compensation from their injuries, the pedestrians who experience similar injuries also do. If you have been injured in a pedestrian accident, the first thing to do is to seek the help of and talk to a qualified traumatic brain injury accident attorney immediately. This must be done immediately to preserve evidence and gather witness accounts of what happened.
Some people depend on the other party’s insurance adjustors to work out a settlement. This, however, may not go well with you because insurance companies do not have your best interest at heart and they may pressure you to an early settlement that does not provide the full benefits you are entitled to. An experienced pedestrian accident attorney early on will guide you and give you the options on how to proceed with your claim.
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